Sunday, August 15, 2010


carving.carving. CARVING!!
(3:12 in the morning)

i just did it. haha
done with the 6 teeth
(central incisor, lateral incisor and the canines- maxillary and mandibular)

i was stressed with the drawing first, luckily i enjoyed my work.

things which i hated the most - MISTAKE
just a lesson to learn- i made my incisor so thin

finished product:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Laying the First Brick

Life is like an enormous theatrical performance, each person having the
leading role, ready to determine his/her destiny.   For each event in your life,
you can reflect upon a stimulus, a cause.   Yet there are so many events, so many
years, days, hours, seconds in one's life.   Which is the one, that one moment in
time which knowingly or unknowingly changed your life to lead you to be just
that, you?   For many, it is impossible to pinpoint that moment.   Yet for others,
that time, place, and situation sits implanted in their mind like a snapshot in time.
My purpose and goals in attending college is to make something of my
life. No One want's to be a nobody.   But sometimes it takes time in order for one to realize this.

(It occurred to me the other day that it has been a while since
I have posted any kind of picture of my dent classmates.

College life is full of new experiences, challenges, and a lot of anxieties. Going to college might be very exciting; making new friends and being independent is the best part. On the other hand, it is time to get adjusted to a new lifestyle, with responsibilities and pressures.
I have been in a position where I had a variety of choices and important decisions I had to make. Choices included following the crowd blindly or standing up for myself as an individual and have a confidence to against the crowd. Freedom to make a decision lay in my hands.
Thus, in my opinion, college life indeed is the best time in a person's life. It offers us freedom and a chance to learn various lessons. It makes us a better individual by making us a strong responsible person capable of motivating our self. I'm proud of the person I'm today and I'm grateful to my college that gave me the opportunity and thought me my lessons. It surely was the best part of my life.