Sunday, September 5, 2010


      To search for the good and make it matter:
This is the real challenge for the dentist.
Not simply to transform ideas or revelations into matter,
but to make those revelations actually matter.

     Just after we had our nerve-racking carving sessions,
oral exams for our GENERAL ANATOMY subject pursues.
Seems hard for us because we are given long coverages to study 
but we still have to muddle through.

This made possible through my...

SLEEPING behaviors (haha)
-this was a joke. i was just trying to lie by my cheek
when Eden caught me by her camera.

Big thanks to our advisor who doesn't even bother to
tell us that we need to focus his subject.
...a bit sometimes (when the class is noisy)
 My classmates been cutting classes just to have snacks also.

well, we've been suffering from starvation for staying 3 hours
 just to listen from the discussion.
This won't happen if we had our meals effective.
- Having short breaks, more quizzes to study,
won't let us eat enough.

exams on lecture: muscles on upper extremities