Sunday, December 5, 2010


Tortoises and Turtles are both reptiles from the family of Testudines, the major difference being that the land dwelling ones are called Tortoises and water dwelling are called Turtles. The body of a tortoise and a turtle both is shielded by a shell, the upper part of which is called Carapace and the lower portion is called Plastron. The Carapace and the Plastron are attached at the end by a bridge which means that though the head and limbs may be withdrawn from the shell, the whole body can never be totally detached from it. These reptiles are generally reclusive and shy in nature.

A zookeeper displays a newborn Egyptian tortoise at 
the Bioparco di Roma in Italy.

Keith Boudreaux of Tangi Turtle Farm, inc in Ponchatoula 
is a second generation turtle farmer and raises 
baby red-eared slider turtles for export and research.


   A Turtle lives in the water and a tortoise lives on land. Both turtle and tortoise lay eggs on the ground. The mother will dig a burrow and lay two to twelve eggs there but in the case of a Turtle, the hatchlings will stay inside the egg for 90 to 120 days while in a Tortoise, the hatchling will follow the mother to its own burrow. Turtle hatchlings incubate on their own and once the process is complete they dig their way to the surface but in the case of a Tortoise, the mother provides protection to the hatchling for about 80 days after which they survive on their own.

Physical characteristics:

   A tortoise has a dome shaped shell with short and sturdy feet. It's legs are bent, instead of being straight and directy under the body. A turtle has a flat streamlined shell with webbed feet with long claws. In the case of a Turtle, the limbs are quite similar to that of a Tortoise but its feet are webbed and have long claws which provide a good grip upon floating logs and help clamber on to riverbanks. Some turtles might even have flippers as is, in the case of the famous Pig-nose Turtles.
   The shells that cover the body of these reptiles are very important as it gives us a fair idea of how these reptiles live. As Turtles live in water, the shell of a turtle is flat and streamlined which aids in swimming and diving while that of a Tortoise, which lives on land, is rather large and dome shaped to provide protection from the predators. Also, the shell of a Tortoise is quite heavy as compared to that of a Turtle which is lighter to avoid sinking and help swim faster in the water.


   Tortoises are herbivores while turtles can be both herbivores and carnivores.


Turtles lay eggs, like other reptiles, which are slightly soft and leathery.Turtle hatchlings stay in their nest on their own for 90-120 days. Female tortoises dig burrows in which they lay from two to twelve eggs. Hatchlings take approximately 90-120 days to incubate within the ping-pong-ball sized eggs.


Tortoises generally have lifespans comparable with those of human beings, and some individuals are known to have lived longer than 150 years. The oldest tortoise life recorded was of an animal that lived for 188 years. Common lifespan of a turtle is estimated at between 20-40 years.

As pets:

Both are kept as pets; though turtles are more common. Tortoises are actually easier to care for, but more expensive. Unless you are an avid collector, willing and able to have a very long commitment neither is recommended as a pet.

Geographical distribution:

Tortoises are found mostly in Asia and Africa while turtles in Africa and also in America.

;) <3 them

Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's all about Travelling with a Twist

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.

Dreaming to a point of reaching FINALS.
time is really fast approaching and there we were,
striving for our last quizzes, last assignments, last lessons to study
 and last block to be carved(haha)  for this1st semester'10,
not to mention our last witticisms and squabbles.

An archer cannot hit the bull's eye if he doesn’t know where the target is.  
That's we were aiming for.
I know what I want to accomplish and I know how to get there.
its just a matter of hardwork and faith. ;)


Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land amongst the stars.
-my travel will soon be over.
.....reaching to NOVEMBER - second semester.

Toned Out

This music makes my molars hurt,
Envisioning a crisp white shirt,
A misting spray, cold air to spurt,
The drill approaching, "Pain alert!"

I faintly recognize the song,
Although the voice does not belong,
A rap, turned mellow; it's just wrong.
Hey, someone ought to get the gong!

We're climbing to the seventh floor,
For ladies wear and shoes galore,
With background melodies a-roar
That make me want to run next door.

I cannot stand one more refrain,
My incisors are racked with pain.
I'll call my dentist, and complain
For auditory Novocain!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


      To search for the good and make it matter:
This is the real challenge for the dentist.
Not simply to transform ideas or revelations into matter,
but to make those revelations actually matter.

     Just after we had our nerve-racking carving sessions,
oral exams for our GENERAL ANATOMY subject pursues.
Seems hard for us because we are given long coverages to study 
but we still have to muddle through.

This made possible through my...

SLEEPING behaviors (haha)
-this was a joke. i was just trying to lie by my cheek
when Eden caught me by her camera.

Big thanks to our advisor who doesn't even bother to
tell us that we need to focus his subject.
...a bit sometimes (when the class is noisy)
 My classmates been cutting classes just to have snacks also.

well, we've been suffering from starvation for staying 3 hours
 just to listen from the discussion.
This won't happen if we had our meals effective.
- Having short breaks, more quizzes to study,
won't let us eat enough.

exams on lecture: muscles on upper extremities

Sunday, August 15, 2010


carving.carving. CARVING!!
(3:12 in the morning)

i just did it. haha
done with the 6 teeth
(central incisor, lateral incisor and the canines- maxillary and mandibular)

i was stressed with the drawing first, luckily i enjoyed my work.

things which i hated the most - MISTAKE
just a lesson to learn- i made my incisor so thin

finished product:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Laying the First Brick

Life is like an enormous theatrical performance, each person having the
leading role, ready to determine his/her destiny.   For each event in your life,
you can reflect upon a stimulus, a cause.   Yet there are so many events, so many
years, days, hours, seconds in one's life.   Which is the one, that one moment in
time which knowingly or unknowingly changed your life to lead you to be just
that, you?   For many, it is impossible to pinpoint that moment.   Yet for others,
that time, place, and situation sits implanted in their mind like a snapshot in time.
My purpose and goals in attending college is to make something of my
life. No One want's to be a nobody.   But sometimes it takes time in order for one to realize this.

(It occurred to me the other day that it has been a while since
I have posted any kind of picture of my dent classmates.

College life is full of new experiences, challenges, and a lot of anxieties. Going to college might be very exciting; making new friends and being independent is the best part. On the other hand, it is time to get adjusted to a new lifestyle, with responsibilities and pressures.
I have been in a position where I had a variety of choices and important decisions I had to make. Choices included following the crowd blindly or standing up for myself as an individual and have a confidence to against the crowd. Freedom to make a decision lay in my hands.
Thus, in my opinion, college life indeed is the best time in a person's life. It offers us freedom and a chance to learn various lessons. It makes us a better individual by making us a strong responsible person capable of motivating our self. I'm proud of the person I'm today and I'm grateful to my college that gave me the opportunity and thought me my lessons. It surely was the best part of my life.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

diving in..

How do I know if being a dentist is right for me?

Convincing people that they need treatment when a tooth is asymptomatic is a real challenge that I'll be facing every day wen I'll be a dentist. And it's amazing what supervised neglect over time can do, and how you can throw a curve ball both at someone and surprise even yourself. Dentist is seen as a promising job that you need to consider because this kind of profession has many good things that can be important considerations. Being a good dentist is easy since you just need to give the best services for your patients. If you are able to give those things, you will be able to get more customers so your business in dental practice will run well. Thus, you will be able to take benefits from it.In my case, I somehow knew I wanted to drill people’s teeth since I was 5. Maybe because my mom is a dentist.

(I've bin watching her everytime we visit our clinic.)

Clearly, my case cannot be taken seriously since up until about the age of 16,
I had no real clue of what course ill be taking for the next few days after my graduation.

So, back the question then – how do I know?
Go shadow a dentist. Seriously.
I know this may sound primitive but you’d be surprised how many people I know
that haven’t shadowed an hour up until after taking the THAT! 
ill Try to see what the whole life of a dentist is like, not just the 8-5 part.

speaking of MOM,
its her birthday today.
Happy Birthday!!!
l<3ve you..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

hEAT up!!

I took this shot with the VR off....I don't even know when/how/what/why did I off it.
Base on above picture, it is LOGICAL that I will gain weight by the end of June.
(not that I need extra weight but who will so willingly help clear the fridge right).

class is still going on...
never think how fast the time goes by. It's already JULY!
hmmmmmm ei, today was our Prelim exam!!
guess whats my 1st subject exam?

(this was taken while were having our Oral Anatomy lecture)
He's our very energetic professor who actually makes funny things while
having his lecture.
not bad for us, we enjoyed and we learned a lot. 
still hoping i got right answers than "x" ones.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


a streetwise, not-so-typical teenage gal with spice.
maybe you'll have 'suplada' as the first impression
but as you get to know me more, you might think the opposite...
may topak ako most of the time but pagpasenyahan nyo na coz
it builds up my sunny personality...
I love my family and my friends...
I'm friendly to everybody and i don't like conflict
I live to achieve my short and long term goals in life... 
I lurve PURPLE... 
I can proudly say that my greatest achievements came with my talents…
reading,chatting, sketching, surfing the net and shopping are me pastimes
l<3ve swimming
i play the the piano when the mood calls me.
im a melancholic person
i set high standards
i want everything done right
I like good, smart, GOD-fearing, kind and determined people. I don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily my style.><
I am confident that I will be successful in my chosen career and nothing will stop me from trying. 
Im sometimes unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. I might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long. 
I am a very serious person. I tend to be quiet and well behaved [sometimes].
I am the type to fall quickly and passionately in love, but will commit to a person forever. O_o