Thursday, March 31, 2011

my temperament to trees

I have been looking at trees for years, yet had never
seen them so beautiful. It was, of course,
that conspiracy of light and cold which rendered them so,
and it was serendipity that sent me out for wood
at the exact moment of their peak appeal.

took these pictures when i decided
to go with dad to send mom to her work.

Let me start out by saying I love trees. I love the way their branches seem to hold up the sky with nimble fingers. How they pull the colors of a thousand sunsets into their leaves come fall; love the way they feel, rough or smooth. Most of all, I love to hear them whisper amongst themselves when the spirit of wind moves them. They sway gracefully, bending, reaching to touch each other and sometimes, if we're luck, to touch us.

There are many past and present,
who believe trees are old spirits,
old souls, here to comfort us.
I can believe that. I have always felt safest
amongst forests thick and thin.
My favorite place in the world is a place up in the
mountains where I've been going since
I was a child, my parents since long before then.

Trees are a huge part of my past and my present.
I sit under a tree and within moments feel centered and quiet;
am able to let go of all the noisy hectic
mayhem that is my everyday life.
A breeze blows across my skin and runs its fingers
through the leaves over my head and I listen. Try it sometime.
You never know what you might hear


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

fleeting at the hardware

Wondering where we were? 
ehh, mom and dad was planning to buy a garden hose and we ended at this place.
It was fun looking at those stuffs imagining what would my dream house look like.
Who could imagine my dream house would correspond to a picture from an interior design magazine?
You may imagine my house somewhere in the sky, among the clouds, or it can be a small hut near the sea. 
haha. just kidding.
better to not limit your dreams, just plainly be creative.
[some of the pictures to share] 
 @ citi hardware

going there taking few miles having this weather.
such a noteworthy experience.

 this picture makes me dredge up my pre-denstistry days.
my classmates laughs at me cause everytime i saw buttons, i play with it.(on&off)
[GAWKY ;')]

 found this petite cute trifling cart. worth 1k plus.
[forgot the exact price]
i can picture out a toddler playing this cart.
[oooh, ill be jealous if it would happen. hihi]

this cubicle also caught my eye.

my sister tries if she fits evenly. dont mention if it cracks. lols
infairness, i super like the design

 what do call these things? telephones? haha
i named it myself.

conjuring how many blocks would take if i build a mansion?
hmmm. better plan my trance house earlier. ;DD

If I were to build a house it would be a house having American style appliances. The house would be on a hill, so I could look over the country side without interference from trees and plants. Another option would be to have the house right by a lake so I could build a miniature theme park in it. There would be a ride that I would have around two G's worth of force applied on me as I twist through the course. It would also have roller coasters that would travel through the water at high speeds and soak everything that rode on it. My house would also have a pavilion that would sell everything from candy to beef jerky. Last, but not least, it would have a cannon that would shoot me up into the air at extreme velocities and then plummet me back into the lake. [possible!! haha]

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When flame flowers begin blooming,
it is the time for me to stop schooling and expect the
“summer vacation” which is very important to my family.
After 9 months of hard work, i also need time to relax
before continuing my studies at a higher level.
So, how can I have a useful and meaningful summer vacation?
  As we know, students have been taught a lot from books,
but in reality, many of them have never seen a live cow,
a live buffalo or they cannot imagine what a rice field is really like.
They also learn a lot about the country and people,
historical vestiges, ancient temples, mausoleums or beautiful places,
but they have never seen these with their own eyes.
So trips on summer days to the countryside,
to a mountainous region, to the historical sites
or famous places in the country will help them.

do you know what activity I joined to spend the 1st weekend
on my summer vacation?

it was at Camanga, Tukuran
Zamboanga del Sur.
it was a leadership training retreat wherein I was
one of the first timer delegates ;)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

why so much competition?

I think it is sad, but I feel like I don't want to get too close to anyone in my class before. I have noticed that everything seems like one big competition with people, and I hate that. I'm not here to compete with anyone. I remember when friends used to be happy for one another if they did well on something. but there have been one too many times that I have gotten a reaction that i am not happy with.

i usually don't go parading around telling everyone when i did well on something. one time, someone had told another group of people about how i did on an exam and one of them looks over in SHOCK and says "REALLY?!?!?!?!" as if it was a huge surprise to them. and then just recently someone had asked how i did in a class this semester because they got a C and when i told them i got a similar reaction as the above. geeze... don't act so surprised :( doesn't make me feel good. like i'm not capable of doing well on something and you're in awe that i did.

anyway. those are just a few instances among some others. i just don't get it though... i know everyone is here working hard to do well and it bothers me that people can be so jealous or competitive about it. we're all just here trying to do the best we can and sometimes we will have triumphs and other times we will just squeak by. but don't make it seem like so and so didn't deserve the grade they got just because you did worse.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

life as i make it.

“Life is beautiful and yet life is not a bed of roses.
Though it is full of ups and downs it has many facets of blessings and successes."

To some people, life is hard,cruel and merciless.
These set of people see life as punishment
throughout their entire lives. They therefore resigned
themselves to fate, believing all is finished. To them, nothing
that they do can ever be good. They take delight in committing
crimes and maiming others to avenge their ill-fortune.

They lost every sense of direction and most times,
some of them go as far as committing suicide,
just to escape the injustice life has meted out to them.
But there are those who see life as a challenge,
a channel of discovery and innovation,
a prospect for success and a gateway to wealth.
To them life is sweet, colourful and kind.
No matter the situation these people find themselves,
they keep pressing on, believing in a cause,
a cause to succeed and get the most out of life.
No wonder an adage says,

“Where there is life, there is hope.”

being a dental student, what other thins can i do to make this easy?

hmmmm...studying is a part of it, and doing these stuffs
can escape me from drowsiness and boredom.

 funny images ;)

ugh, names as usuall

and some abstract thingy
haha, these are just my diversion buddies.
Anyway, one of the things that made me surge to look thought-provoking
are my creations.

these are impressions made from alginate

and this is the last out-of-ordinary laboratory
activity i did with many complains.
 well,  you can even envision how many time
wasted and pains i had on my fingers.
[that was due to the wire-bending].