Sunday, March 27, 2011

When flame flowers begin blooming,
it is the time for me to stop schooling and expect the
“summer vacation” which is very important to my family.
After 9 months of hard work, i also need time to relax
before continuing my studies at a higher level.
So, how can I have a useful and meaningful summer vacation?
  As we know, students have been taught a lot from books,
but in reality, many of them have never seen a live cow,
a live buffalo or they cannot imagine what a rice field is really like.
They also learn a lot about the country and people,
historical vestiges, ancient temples, mausoleums or beautiful places,
but they have never seen these with their own eyes.
So trips on summer days to the countryside,
to a mountainous region, to the historical sites
or famous places in the country will help them.

do you know what activity I joined to spend the 1st weekend
on my summer vacation?

it was at Camanga, Tukuran
Zamboanga del Sur.
it was a leadership training retreat wherein I was
one of the first timer delegates ;)

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