Wednesday, March 30, 2011

fleeting at the hardware

Wondering where we were? 
ehh, mom and dad was planning to buy a garden hose and we ended at this place.
It was fun looking at those stuffs imagining what would my dream house look like.
Who could imagine my dream house would correspond to a picture from an interior design magazine?
You may imagine my house somewhere in the sky, among the clouds, or it can be a small hut near the sea. 
haha. just kidding.
better to not limit your dreams, just plainly be creative.
[some of the pictures to share] 
 @ citi hardware

going there taking few miles having this weather.
such a noteworthy experience.

 this picture makes me dredge up my pre-denstistry days.
my classmates laughs at me cause everytime i saw buttons, i play with it.(on&off)
[GAWKY ;')]

 found this petite cute trifling cart. worth 1k plus.
[forgot the exact price]
i can picture out a toddler playing this cart.
[oooh, ill be jealous if it would happen. hihi]

this cubicle also caught my eye.

my sister tries if she fits evenly. dont mention if it cracks. lols
infairness, i super like the design

 what do call these things? telephones? haha
i named it myself.

conjuring how many blocks would take if i build a mansion?
hmmm. better plan my trance house earlier. ;DD

If I were to build a house it would be a house having American style appliances. The house would be on a hill, so I could look over the country side without interference from trees and plants. Another option would be to have the house right by a lake so I could build a miniature theme park in it. There would be a ride that I would have around two G's worth of force applied on me as I twist through the course. It would also have roller coasters that would travel through the water at high speeds and soak everything that rode on it. My house would also have a pavilion that would sell everything from candy to beef jerky. Last, but not least, it would have a cannon that would shoot me up into the air at extreme velocities and then plummet me back into the lake. [possible!! haha]

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