Thursday, March 31, 2011

my temperament to trees

I have been looking at trees for years, yet had never
seen them so beautiful. It was, of course,
that conspiracy of light and cold which rendered them so,
and it was serendipity that sent me out for wood
at the exact moment of their peak appeal.

took these pictures when i decided
to go with dad to send mom to her work.

Let me start out by saying I love trees. I love the way their branches seem to hold up the sky with nimble fingers. How they pull the colors of a thousand sunsets into their leaves come fall; love the way they feel, rough or smooth. Most of all, I love to hear them whisper amongst themselves when the spirit of wind moves them. They sway gracefully, bending, reaching to touch each other and sometimes, if we're luck, to touch us.

There are many past and present,
who believe trees are old spirits,
old souls, here to comfort us.
I can believe that. I have always felt safest
amongst forests thick and thin.
My favorite place in the world is a place up in the
mountains where I've been going since
I was a child, my parents since long before then.

Trees are a huge part of my past and my present.
I sit under a tree and within moments feel centered and quiet;
am able to let go of all the noisy hectic
mayhem that is my everyday life.
A breeze blows across my skin and runs its fingers
through the leaves over my head and I listen. Try it sometime.
You never know what you might hear


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