Tuesday, March 22, 2011

why so much competition?

I think it is sad, but I feel like I don't want to get too close to anyone in my class before. I have noticed that everything seems like one big competition with people, and I hate that. I'm not here to compete with anyone. I remember when friends used to be happy for one another if they did well on something. but there have been one too many times that I have gotten a reaction that i am not happy with.

i usually don't go parading around telling everyone when i did well on something. one time, someone had told another group of people about how i did on an exam and one of them looks over in SHOCK and says "REALLY?!?!?!?!" as if it was a huge surprise to them. and then just recently someone had asked how i did in a class this semester because they got a C and when i told them i got a similar reaction as the above. geeze... don't act so surprised :( doesn't make me feel good. like i'm not capable of doing well on something and you're in awe that i did.

anyway. those are just a few instances among some others. i just don't get it though... i know everyone is here working hard to do well and it bothers me that people can be so jealous or competitive about it. we're all just here trying to do the best we can and sometimes we will have triumphs and other times we will just squeak by. but don't make it seem like so and so didn't deserve the grade they got just because you did worse.

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